Helios Document Hub and other cool app’s

Helios Document Hub and other cool app’s

Based on Helios.de-Software-Solution and individual app’s with added value, like «SkyNews.ch» or «ePaper4you» for iPad and Android-Tablets, i can configure individual systems for most of the needs, worldwide.

All you need is:

– A stable server with some storage-space

– HELIOS-Software-packages

– Web-Access

and the show can go on.

You can rent or buy it, what ever you prefere.

I mean:

«Marc Jenni» has found a way to distribute digital documents worldwide with my server-solution. I am happy that i can be a part of this success story. The future is digital – i will have the concepts and solutions who brings pleasure to the clients.

See the flyer as PDF:




More Informations:

Server- and App-Technology: 

www.sse.ch     sse@sse.ch    SSE AG, CH-5274 Mettau

Digital media, photography, media-distribution and all other digtal services: www.gravoractual.com     info@gravoractual.com

Watchmaker: www.marcjenni.com     info@marcjenni.com
