Based on the HELIOS-App-Licence-Agreement and the HELIOS-Source-Code, we made the app «my-DataPool».

Based on the HELIOS-App-Licence-Agreement and the HELIOS-Source-Code, we made the app «my-DataPool». Now our app is ready for sale, this are good news for our team.

Check it now:

You can check the possibilities of our app with real data where ever you are. If you like to see your own data in your app – we can help for any test all around the world. Send us a mail.

Our concept:

We will make individual app’s for everyone who will distribute data all over the world, in open or closed workgroups.

We rent or sale «ready for use» server-systems or storage-space, based on IBM, LINUX and of course HELIOS-Software.


1. We programm individual app’s for a fixed price, send us a mail.

2. If you rent some storage-space at, based on HELIOS-Server, you can distribute the app to every ipad- or iphone-user from the app-store. 

3. Good solution has a price. Our clients are companies with individual needs, they know that we need some $ for development, support and new technologies to bring this innovative solution to the next level.

I mean:

«If you search a very stable system with communication to every channel you should use HELIOS. It is expandable with your ideas – behind this solution there are real people with with real mailadresses. Check it out!»


More informations:    SSE AG, CH-5274 Mettau
